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The Cribs《Moving Pictures》

视频: 我们就是你想听的乐队The Cribs 精选单曲Moving Pictures


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You’ll sleep tonight
Dream dreams where i would die
its alright
its alright
They did not come true
Although they will do, in time
It’s alright, its alright

fakes, liars, and stars of moving pictures
whats the difference?
Like all the parts that im not into
but i see in you
Not real brown eyes look into mine
But i was so shy
It’s alright
You’l sleep tonight
dream dreams where i would die
its alright, its alright

fakes, liars, and stars of moving pictures
whats the difference?
Like all the parts that im not into
but i see in you

Guarded thoughts
firing off
Parting shots
Missing lots

fakes, liars, and stars of moving pictures
whats the difference?
Like all the parts that im not into
but i see in you

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