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“The first rule in life is that everyone can, in the end, gets what he wants if he only tries.”

— Samuel Butler, Novelist
「人生的第一个原则是,每个人最终都能得到他想要的,只要他愿意尝试。」– 塞缪尔·巴特勒 (小说家)

dutch designer roderik vos has designed this lamp and bookend exclusively for the online shop functionals.eu. vos got he inspiration for the design while looking at his own book collection and imagining how a scattering of small lights would showcase the books. the design features two book like shapes that sandwich a small light that shines down. the design is intended as both a reading light…

in the end 最后,最终。例:He convinced his father to support his decision in the end. (他最终说服了他父亲支持他的决定。)
塞缪尔‧巴特勒 (1835-1902) 是活跃于英国维多利亚时代的反传统作家,半自传体小说《众生之路》为他最著名的作品之一。他也是基督教、演化思想史、义大利艺术及文学的史研究者,翻译了希腊史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

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