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执行长 安吉拉·艾伦兹 英语名言:直觉是透过感觉与本能形成的智慧

“Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct – a gift of knowing without reasoning… Belief is ignited by hope and supported by facts and evidence – it builds alignment and creates confidence. Belief is what sets energy in motion and creates the success that breeds more success.”

— Angela Ahrendts, CEO
「直觉是透过感觉与本能形成的智慧 – 它是一种不需逻辑思考即可明白的天赋… 信念被希望点燃,由事实及证据所支持 – 它能构成协调与自信,信念使能量开始流动,并创造可以建立更多成功的成功。」– 安吉拉·艾伦兹 (执行长)

bookshelfboy by stealinghearts

ignite (v.) 点燃,引发。例:The new regulations have ignited a series of protest. (新的法规引发了一连串的抗议。) alignment (n.) 一致,协调。例:an alignment of political parties. (政党间的协调) set something in motion 启动某一个过程。例:The general manager set the project in motion by digging the first shovelful of soil. (透过开挖第一凿土,总经理启动了这一计画。)
安吉拉‧艾伦兹 (1960- ) 是美国经理人,在 2006-2014 年期间担任英国时装公司巴宝莉 (Burberry) 执行长,任内领导公司在全球扩大营业。她在 2014 年加入苹果公司,担任零售及网路销售部总裁。

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