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我只看到自然界压倒一切的冷酷 沃纳·赫尔佐格《灰熊人》和 Don Edwards《Coyotes》




Timothy Treadwell远离人类、放逐阿拉斯加荒野,研究和保护野生灰熊十几年,最后被他最爱的灰熊吃掉,这哥们真够悲剧的。





“让我恐惧的是在那些Treadwell拍摄的熊脸的表情里,我没看到任何对亲近关系的认同,没看到任何理解,没看到任何怜悯。我只看到了自然界中压倒一切的冷酷。对我来说,那里没有一个所谓的灰熊的神秘世界。这些空洞的凝视仅仅代表了它半迟钝的对猎物的兴趣。但是对于Timothy Treadwell来说,这只熊就是朋友,是救世主。”



What haunts me is that all in the faces of all the bears that Treadwell ever filmed I discovered no kinship, no understanding, and no mercy. I see the only overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as secret world of bears. And this blank stare speaks only of a half bored interest in food.


Timothy Treadwell自认为是灰熊的守护者,或许只是一个疯子的献祭,他解释了一厢情愿这个成语。赫尔佐格还说:“我相信世界的基本属性不是和谐,而是恶意、混乱和杀戮。”

牛仔走了,卡曼其印第安人走了,亡命之徒走了,呐喊声没了,狮子走了,红狼消失了,Timothy Treadwell也死了。

梦千寻 写于2014年

梦千寻书社原创 © 2004-2017 版权所有


Don Edwards – Coyotes 歌词:

Was a cowboy I knew in south Texas

His face was burnt deep by the sun

Part history, part sage, part mesquit

He was there when Pancho Villa was young

And he’d tell you a tale of the old days

When the country was wild all around

Sit out under the stars of the Milky Way

And listen while the coyotes howl

And they go… poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

Now the long horns are gone

And the drovers are gone

The Comanche’s are gone

And the outlaws are gone

Geronimo is gone

And Sam Bass is gone

And the lion is gone

And the Red Wolf is gone

Well he cursed all the roads and the oil men

And he cursed the automobile

Said this is no place for an hombre like I am

In this new world of asphalt and steel

Then he’d look off some place in the distance

At something only he could see

He’d say all that’s left now of the old days

Those damned old coyotes and me

And they go poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

Now the long horns are gone

And the drovers are gone

The Comanche’s are gone

And the outlaws are gone

Now Quantro is gone

Stand Watie is gone

And the lion is gone

And the Red Wolf is gone

One morning they searched his adobe

He disappeared without even a word

But that night as the moon crossed the mountain

One more coyote was heard

And he’d go, poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo

poo yip poo yip poo

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo



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