“Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in your life you will have been all of these.”
— Robert H. Goddard, Inventor
「决心善待年幼者、同情年长者、支持奋斗者、包容弱者及犯错者,你一生迟早也都会历经这些过程。」– 罗伯特·戈达德 (发明家)
tender (adj.) 温柔的,展现慈爱的。例:例:a slow, tender kiss (缓慢深情的一吻)。compassionate (adj.) 怜悯同情的。例:a compassionate person (充满怜悯心的人)。strive (v.) 努力,奋斗。例:The company is striving to improve its public image. (该公司正在努力改善其公众形象。) sympathetic (adj.) 赞成的,支持的。例:The Democrats are supposed to be sympathetic to the unions. (民主党员理当支持劳工团体。)