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作家 艾伦·克莱恩 英语名言:你的态度犹如一盒为世界上色的蜡笔

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.”

— Allen Klein, Author
「你的态度犹如一盒为世界上色的蜡笔,经常使用灰色,你的人生将永远看来暗淡无光,试图透过幽默加上一些鲜明的色彩,你的人生将明亮起来。」– 艾伦·克莱恩 (作家)

crayon (n.) 蜡笔。bleak (adj.) 凄凉的,令人沮丧的。例:The company’s future looks bleak. (公司的前景看来没什么希望。) lighten up 明亮起来。例:The harbor lightens up at night. (港口会在夜晚会明亮起来。)
艾伦‧克莱恩 (1938- ) 是美国幽默作家及演说家,提倡幽默的治病疗效,特别是在纾解压力方面,他著有「幽默的疗效」(The Healing Power of Humor) 一书。

配图说明:Guess what I just finished reading?
Yayy! Finally I found some time to obsess over The Sherlock Holmes books!
I just realize how great a job the writers did in creating a modern version in Sherlock BBC.

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