电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《笑傲江湖》连环画 08 ~ 小人书/漫画版












At the same time, Lauderno said to Yue Lingshan, “Little sister, are you helping your father or your husband.

Lin Pingzhi said coldly, “Go to Mount Hengshan to become a monk, and you are exactly where it is.” Yue Lingshan said angrily, “Lin Pingzhi, even if my father doesn’t care about you, my Yue Lingshan doesn’t care about you. What do you mean by that?”

Lin Pingzhi suddenly showed a fierce look: “What do you mean? I want to show my heart to the left leader.” As soon as the voice fell, I heard Yue Lingshan scream.

Linghuchong and Yingying were shocked, and jumped out of the sorghum field at the same time. Linghuchong shouted, “Lin Pingzhi, don’t harm your little sister.

Linghu Chong and Yingying ran to the cart and saw that Yue Lingshan was dying with a long sword in her chest. When she saw the two men coming, she struggled and said, “Master, I… I can’t afford you. Please let Pingdi go, he…”

Linghu Chong’s blood rushed up, and he wanted to cut Lin Pingzhi into pieces. But when he saw that Yue Lingshan was covered with blood and his face was full of pleading, he could not bear it, and reluctantly nodded. Yue Lingshan’s eyes suddenly shone, and the side of his head immediately died

Linghu Chong’s heart sank. It seemed that the whole world was suddenly dead. Holding the body of Yue Lingshan, he took more than ten steps in a daze. Suddenly, his knees fell and he fell, and nobody knew about it.

In the middle of confusion, Linghu Chong heard the clear and crisp sound of Ding Dong and Ding Dong’s zither in his ear. When he opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping on a haystack in a cave, sitting on the ground, and playing the zither himself. He saw Linghu Chong wake up and come over quickly, his face full of love and compassion.

In an instant, Linghu Chong was full of happiness. The two men were opposite in pulse and speechless for a long time. Yingying helped Linghu Chong out of the cave. There was a new grave in front of the cave, and flowers were behind the grave. Linghu Chong felt grateful.

After 10 days, Linghuchong and Yingying settled down in the green valley. Every day, they roasted frogs and picked fruits. It was quiet and comfortable. In the afternoon of that day, Linghu Chong suddenly felt that his internal breathing was not smooth, and his heart was a little agitated. He said to Yingying, “I will pick some peaches.” He walked to the southeast of the valley.

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