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《射雕英雄传》第一集《江南七怪》 ~ 小人书/漫画版


《射雕英雄传》是被改编最多的一部,仅1985年就有山东美术、浙江人美、浙江少儿、江西人民、江苏人民、江苏美术等6家出版社分别改编出版。本连环画为浙江少年儿童出版社于1985年4月出版的连环画《 射雕英雄传 》共12 册 ,绘画作者方面邀请了来汶阳、崔君沛、于水、童介眉、吴敏等担纲,人物形象统一、绘画风格一致,但因“跑马”的缘故,画面较为粗糙,没有体现出几位作者的真实水平,甚为遗憾。​

The Legend of the Heroes of Shooting and Carving, also known as the Legend of the Heroes of the Desert, was originally serialized in the Hong Kong Business Daily from 1957 to 1959. It is a long martial arts novel created by writer Jin Yong, and is the first in Jin Yong’s “Sculpture Trilogy” series. It is the representative work of Jin Yong’s middle stage martial arts novel creation, and it is also the work that Jin Yong has the most readers. Its publication has established Jin Yong’s position as “the supreme martial arts”.
The Legend of the Archer Hero is the most adapted one. In 1985 alone, it was adapted and published by six publishing houses, namely Shandong Fine Arts, Zhejiang Renmei, Zhejiang Children, Jiangxi People, Jiangsu People, and Jiangsu Fine Arts. This comic book is a series of 12 volumes of The Legend of the Archer Hero published by Zhejiang Children’s Publishing House in April 1985. The author of the painting invited Lai Wenyang, Cui Junpei, Yu Shui, Tong Jiemei, Wu Min and others to take the lead. The characters are unified and the painting style is consistent. However, due to the “horse running”, the picture is relatively rough, which does not reflect the true level of several authors. It is very regrettable. ​


At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin soldiers occupied the north of the Yangtze River in an attempt to move southward. However, in Niujia Village, Lin’an, they seemed to be completely ignorant of the state affairs. They still cultivated and hunted for a long time.

The autumn is over and the winter is coming. It blew in the middle of the night and began to snow. The next day, it rained even more heavily. The silver catkins flew into the sky, and the sky was white everywhere. Yang Tiexin called two gourds of good wine, and asked his wife to take care of the weak and clean up the dishes. He invited his brother-in-law Guo Xiaotian and his wife to come to drink and enjoy the snow.

His brother-in-law Guo Xiaotian happily came alone. His wife Li Ping refused because she was pregnant. The three sat down to drink and chat.

After drinking for a while, the three people saw that the snow was falling more heavily outside the door. Suddenly, I heard the sound of stepping on the snow on the east road, and the pace rose and fell very fast. The three men turned their heads and saw a Taoist.

The Taoist priest has extraordinary spirit and moves like a fly. Yang Tiexin was very hospitable. He shouted, “Taoist Priest, please stay! It’s freezing and snowy. Why don’t Taoist Priest come to drink a few cups to relieve the cold?” My sister Taoist Priest quickly turned back, sneered, and immediately came to the door, and said coldly, “What is the purpose of asking me to stay?”

6 Yang Tiexin was not happy at the moment, and raised his head to ignore it. Guo Xiaotian changed his fist and said, “Our brother saw the Taoist Priest walking alone in the cold, and dared to invite him. It’s no wonder that he collided.” The Taoist priest rolled his eyes and shouted, “Good, drink, drink!” Step in.

Yang Tiexin was even more angry and grabbed his left wrist. Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest’s hand was as slippery as a fish. He had slipped out of his palm and was caught by the Taoist priest. Yang Tiexin knew that it was not good, so he hurried to use his strength to resist it. However, the whole arm was numb and weak, and the pain in his wrist was piercing.

The Taoist snorted, released Yang Tiexin, took the wine jug, poured it out and drank it, and then took three cups of it. Suddenly, he took off his leather bag, poured it on the table, and with a shout, rolled out a bloody head. Bao Xiwei uttered “Ouch” and fled into the inner hall. Both Guo Yang and Guo Yang jumped up.

9 Yang Tiexin shouted, “Good thief!” He took out the dagger in his arms and stabbed it at the Taoist in the chest. The Taoist sneered, and the left palm edge hit him on the wrist. Yang Tiexin’s wrist was tingling, and his five fingers were suddenly weak. The dagger had been snatched by him.

Yang Tiexin was furious. He held the iron gun in the corner of the house and jumped out of the door: “Come on, let me show you how powerful the Yang Family’s marksmanship is.” The Taoist stood in the snow without drawing his sword. Yang Tiexin’s move, “Poisonous Dragon Out of the Hole”, is straight to the heart of the Tao. The Taoist followed the gun, and moved forward and backward. It’s really easy.

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