电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《射雕英雄传》第四集《比武招亲》连环画 ~ 小人书/漫画版

Six strange people in the south of the Yangtze River and Guo Jing slept in the morning and headed southeast. They crossed the desert grassland for a long time.

This day, it is not far from Zhangjiakou. Guo Jing was in a good mood when he first came to Zhongshang. He galloped to the side of the Heihe River, then rested at a roadside restaurant and waited for Shifu.

He looked over and heard a camel bell. I saw eight men in their own clothes riding eight white camels and rushing along the road.

Eight men in white jumped off their stoops and entered the hotel. Guo Jing grew up in the desert all his life. He couldn’t help but stare at the eight men who were gorgeous and beautiful.

At this time, Ke Zhenxie and others had also arrived, and Zhu Cong praised Guo Jing’s hard work. The eight people in white at the table listened and looked at the little red horse outside the door. Their faces were full of envy.

Ke Zhenxie had sharp ears and heard eight people talking quietly. It was to rob Guo Jing’s little red horse. I was shocked. At the moment, he just kept silent and ate noodles grudgingly.

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