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《射雕英雄传》第十一集《铁枪庙中》 ~ 小人书/漫画版/金庸武侠小说连环画

The two eagles flew away from the top of the Iron Palm Peak with Guo Huang on their back and landed safely within a few inches. At this time, Huang Rong fell into a coma after being hit by Qiu Qianren’s iron palm. Guo Jing heard that Huang Rong’s injury was only cured by Master Yideng, and immediately went to the hospital with Ronger on his back.

Guo Jing finally met the master of Yideng after going through thousands of difficulties and risks. Master Yideng promised to light the incense and go to the acupoints on Huang Rong’s body one by one. Huang Rong recovered from her injury after waiting for a day or two. The two people said goodbye to Master Yideng and went back to Peach Blossom Island.

The scenery is still on the way back. Guo Ta and Huang Rong sat on the back of the little red horse, talking and laughing. They were happy.

At noon of that day, we arrived at Taoyuan County. There is only one decent restaurant in Taoyuan City, called “Avoiding Qin Restaurant”. Two people went upstairs and ordered food and drink.

Guo Jing said to the bartender, “Little brother, let’s go to Hankou. I’m sorry to call a boat under the river and invite the boatman to come here to talk.” He took out a pound of silver. The bartender took it and said, “Please wait!” He turned and went downstairs.

Within half a meal, the bartender accompanied a mute boatman. The boatman gestured, meaning to set sail immediately after eating and put it in Hankou. Huang Rong also made a sign to reply, and the mute smiled happily and nodded away. It turns out that the Peach Blossom Island is full of mute servants, and Huang Rong has known the sign language since she was young.

After dinner, the two men went downstairs. At the corner of the building, Huang Rong and a Taoist priest in black brushed each other. In a twinkling of an eye, the Taoist priest had put a piece of brocade handkerchief in Huang Rong’s hand. Huang Rong was surprised, and suddenly saw the words on the handkerchief: “The boat has a ghost plan. The boatman is an expert of the Iron Palm Sect, not a mute. Be careful!”

Guo Jing wants to go upstairs again to ask, but Huang Rong knows that there is something strange and inconvenient to ask again. He pulls Guo Jing and walks out of the restaurant. The boatman was waiting at the door, but Guo Huang and his wife did not know, and followed him to the dock and landed.

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