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鲁迅《故乡》连环画 -~ 双语全文

The old home I remembered was not in the least like this. My old home was much better. But if you asked me to recall its peculiar charm or describe its beauties, I had no clear impression, no words to describe it. And now it seemed this was all there was to it. Then I rationalized the matter to myself,saying: Home was always like this, and although it had not improved, still it is not so depressing as I imagine; it is only my mood that has changed, be­cause I am coming back to the country this time with no illusions.

This time I had come with the sole object of saying goodbye. The old house our clan had lived in for so many years had already been sold to an­other family, and was to change hands before the end of the year. I had to hurry there before New Year’s Day to say goodbye for ever to the familiar old house, and to move my family to another place where I was working, far from my old home town.



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