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鲁迅《故乡》连环画 -~ 双语全文

When I first met him he was little more than ten—that was thirty years ago, and at that time my father was still alive and the family well off, so I was really a spoilt child. That year it was our family’s turn to take charge of a big ancestral sacrifice, which came round only once in thirty years, and hence was an important one. In the first month the an­cestral images were presented and offerings made, and since the sacrificial vessels were very fine and there was such a crowd of worshippers, it was necessary to guard against theft. Our family had only one part-time servant.(In our district we divide servants into three classes: those who work all the year for one family are called full-timers; those who are hired by the day are called dailies; and those who farm their own land and only work for one family at New Year, during festivals or when rents are being collected are called part-timers.) And since there was so much to be done, he told my fa­ther that he would send for his son Runtu to look after the sacrificial vessels.


When my father gave his consent I was overjoyed, because I had long since heard of Runtu and knew that he was about my own age, born in the intercalary month, and when his horoscope was told it was found that of the five elements that of earth was lacking, so his father called him Runtu (Inter­calary Earth). He could set traps and catch small birds.


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