电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《的士速递》家长指南 -性爱与裸体(激情戏、床戏等)



Full nudity seen.


A policewoman is seen in various short skirts, tight tops, and displaying cleavage. In several scenes the camera deliberately focuses on her legs or chest for a few seconds.


A man unexpectedly breaks down a door, walks in on a woman and pulls her against him, grabs her breast, and bends her over in a kiss. This is played in a humorous tone.


An interior wall is decorated with graffiti art, including a large painting of a topless woman whose breasts are clearly seen. The camera angles obscure this art behind the characters during a conversation. It is seen, but not prominent.


A couple start kissing in a bed and start removing their clothes. The Girl can be seen with only her bra and panties. They are about to have sex, but interrupted by an alarm.


A man comes to the bed while a woman sleeping, she’s covered with a sheet at first, then the man removes that up to her bottom, her bare back is seen. Then the man crawl under the sheet, tries to have sex, and they are interrupted by an alarm. The woman gets off the bed, she’s fully naked. We can see her bare breasts for a fraction of time. After that she’s seen with a bra and panties.


A man and a woman have sex in a dark place. Nothing graphic is shown. We can see then man thrusting the woman and she’s moaning. This lasts for a very short period.


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