电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《食人鱼3D》家长指南 -性爱与裸体(激情戏、床戏等)

As the underwater sequence ends, we see a woman climbing onto a boat fully naked. She shows her buttocks and her genital area can be seen from behind her buttocks. The shot is from far away but explicit.


Two buxom women swim underwater fully nude. Full-frontal nudity is seen on both, including genitals, bare buttocks and bare breasts. Two men watch, film them and make crude remarks. This scene is explicit and lasts for about five minutes. When the women get out of the water, their bare buttocks are seen in an extreme closeup.


Two silicone bags (the implication is that they are breast implants torn from a woman’s chest) float in water along with a severed penis; we see two fish fight over the penis, and one swallows it and then spits it out (the image of the penis, bloody and deformed, fills the screen).


On two occasions, a young man is seen watching a computer screen where multiple photographs of women’s bare breasts are seen, and the sound of sexual moaning is heard.


An extreme closeup of a young woman’s bare breasts is seen on multiple occasions as she parasails behind a boat, and the young woman rubs her breasts suggestively as three men make crude remarks about her.


A young woman rips off her shirt (her bare breasts are visible) as a man sprays her, and a dozen other young women, with water; they are wearing bikini bottoms and tight, nearly transparent wet T-shirts.


A young man is instructed to film a woman who is topless (her bare breasts are seen).


A taut suspension wire whips through the air and cuts a young woman in half and her bikini top falls off exposing her bare breasts.


Men’s bare buttocks. Plenty of sexual innuendo and references throughout.


On multiple occasions, countless young women wearing bikinis are seen dancing suggestively on boats, dancing with young women and young men, rubbing their hands over their bodies, thrusting their hips in a suggestive fashion and wearing stickers to cover their nipples when they dance without bikini tops.


A man licks salt off a young woman’s stomach and kisses her to get a lime from her mouth.


A man instructs a young man to lick salt from a young woman’s stomach.


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