电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《冷山》家长指南 -性爱与裸体(激情戏、床戏等)

A man and woman share passionate kiss while embracing each other sensually.


A woman is seen groping at a man’s crotch.


A girl makes a semi-conscious man sit on a chair. Then she raises her skirt and sits in his lap and starts kissing him. An older woman comes in and forces the girl to leave. She then sits on a table and puts her leg on the man’s crotch when he is trying to pass by her. She then removes her top garment and reveals her bare breasts. She then lifts her gown above her waist and bends down on the table offering herself completely naked to the man. Her buttocks are visible. When the man hesitates, she tries to stimulate him by way of oral sex. But they are interrupted. No male nudity


A group sex scene in which a large, old woman is riding a man topless with her breasts exposed while the man is holding a younger woman in his arms, kissing her. Another woman is sitting beside them with her breasts exposed kissing the man. Male nudity is absent.


A man forces a woman on a table and attempts to rape her but he is stopped.


A man and woman have sex. They are both fully nude with his buttocks and her breasts and buttocks visible, however their genitals are not seen. They thrust and moan, and it is implied they climax.


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