电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《古墓丽影》家长指南 -性爱与裸体(激情戏、床戏等)

The main character is mostly shown from the shoulders up in a dark and steamy shower. However, there are some slightly obscured shots of her large breasts. She departs the shower with only a bath towel, then, when her back is turned, drops the towel and is shown nude from the small of the back upward. She turns and a side view of the left breast is shown briefly. Since the character’s breasts are augmented throughout the film, this is likely a CGI enhanced shot or a body double.


A male character who is entirely nude is surprised by the lead female character and they have a face to face conversation. He moves about the scene with strategically placed objects blocking any potential view of his genitalia.


In the opening scene, Lara wear very tight and very short shorts, along with a form-fitting top that shows off her accentuated and large breasts beneath it. During that, the soundtrack that plays along with the action scene includes the sound of a woman’s sensuous moan (although nothing sexual is occurring in the scene).


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