电影 / 图书 / 音乐

《what is a youth》


这段旋律特别熟悉,数不清的电影里听到这段配乐。现在才知道源自哪里。《罗密欧与朱丽叶》版本真的数不清了,68版很喜欢。《what is a youth》:What is a youth?Impetuous fire/What is a maid? Ice and desire/The world wags on/A rose will bloom,It then will fade/So does a youth, So does the fairest maid……


简介:老电影「殉情记」(68年版<罗密欧与朱丽叶>)主题曲 What is a youth?Impetuous fire,青春是什麼?激烈燃燒的火, What is a maid? Ice and desire,少女是什麼?冰霜和欲望的結合, The world wags on.年華如此遷移下去。 A rose will bloom,It then will fade,玫瑰會盛開,然後會凋萎, So does a youth, So does the fairest maid.青春也是,最美的少女亦復如此。 Comes a time when one sweet smile.當那時,臉上是甜美的微笑, Has it season for a while,那就是愛的季節, Then love’s in love with me, 我心裡充滿了依戀。 Some they think only to marry,有人只想到結婚, Others will tease and tarry,有的人卻不屑且猶豫, Mine is the very best parry,我的藉口最是高超: Cupid he rules us all,邱比特牽著我們的鼻子走。 Caper the caper, but sing me a song,儘管嬉戲去吧,並為我唱一首歌, Death will come soon to hush us along,死神不久將來臨,叫我們都閉住嘴, Sweeter then honey and bitter as gall,比蜜還甜,比膽還苦, Love is a task and it never will pall,愛雖磨人,卻永不走味, Sweeter then honey and bitter as gall,比蜜還甜,比膽還苦, Cupid he rules us all….邱比特牽著我們的鼻子走。

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