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Don Edwards《Coyotes》现场


然后看了Timothy Treadwell的百科,这个人是个悲剧。

poodi hoo di yip poo di yip poo…

本纪录片取材于野生动物保护主义者蒂莫西·崔德威尔(Timothy Treadwell)1999~2003年在美国阿拉斯加州卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区所拍摄的素材。崔德威尔从1989年起致力于野生灰熊的研究和保护,并与朋友成立了“熊人协会”,每年夏天来到卡特迈独自野营,观察记录灰熊的生活习性,并义务对数千名学童进行讲解,呼吁社会打击偷猎,关注、保护灰熊。导演沃纳·赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)探访了崔德威尔的父母和前女友,并对2003年10月崔德威尔及女友艾米·胡格纳德(Amie Huguenard) 之死的细节进行了细致采访描绘,试图在展示崔德威尔非凡经历的同时,回答究竟是什么使他选择远离人类放逐荒野,将生命献给灰熊。

Don Edwards《Coyotes》歌词:

Was a cowboy I knew in south Texas,
His face was burnt deep by the sun,
Part history, part sage, part mesquit,
He was there when Poncho Villa was young.
And he’d tell you a tale of the old days,
When the country was wild all around,
Sit out under the stars of the Milky Way,
And listen while the coyotes howl.
And they go… hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoodi hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoo di hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
Now the long horns are gone,
And the drovers are gone,
The Comanches are gone,
And the outlaws are gone,
Geronimo is gone,
And Sam Bass is gone,
And the lion is gone,
And the red wolf is gone.
Well he cursed all the roads and the oil men,
And he cursed the automobile,
Said this is no place for an hombre like I am,
In this new world of asphalt and steel.
Then he’d look off some place in the distance,
At something only he could see,
He’d say all that’s left now of the old days,
Those damned old coyotes and me.
And they go hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoodi hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoo di hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
Now the long horns are gone,
And the drovers are gone
The Comanches are gone
And the outlaws are gone,
Now Quantro is gone,
Stan Watie is gone,
And lion is gone,
And the red rolf is gone.
One morning they searched his adobe,
He disappeared without even a word,
But that night as the moon crossed the mountain,
One more coyote was heard.
And he’d go, hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoodi hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoo di hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoodi hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo
hoo yip hoo yip hoo
hoo di hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo

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