电影 / 图书 / 音乐

Caitlin Crosby《Flawz》


好歌不厌百回放,一大早感受一下Caitlin Crosby的高潮来提提神。


Caitlin Crosby《Flawz》歌词:

Here I am, here I stand, I took a picture of my hand
Bet you can tell its not manicured
Here I am, half a man, I’m not a doctor, I’m not tan
And I never helped the score
I drive too fast
The team picked me last
I brake the rules and like it
My body curves
I forget the words
I missed the serve and lost it

All my flawz to see.
But you still love,
Love me.

Here I am face down, sometimes I smile or frown
But it depends on the time of the day
Here I go off the road, I spend cash on my clothes
When I still have bills to pay
My skin isn’t clear
Haven’t spoke in a year
Cuz I still have fear I’m tryin’ to overcome
My truths aren’t right
My jeans are too tight
When I pick a fight I turn to run

All my flawz to see.
But you still love,
Love me.

You still love me
Even when I sin
I don’t fit in
Cuz I’ve been burned
When I waited my turn
Don’t act my age
I Don’t want to
Call it a faze,
Call me taboo
Won’t do as I’m told to believe
I wear my heart on my sleeve

问:请问Crosby,skylar,Iris, Raphael, Katherine,还有Lilian这些英文名里哪个更好听,更加流行,谢谢啦

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