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盲目乐观,会有什么后果?What are the consequences of blind optimism?


As usual, as soon as I got into the subway, I started looking for a good position and looking for a good place to start looking for a model. Tonight, the model is a girl near the subway door, the air of the five senses, long hair tenderness. I set the position of my hair and began to prepare the picture lines. I suddenly felt a whisper in the back and said, “draw me.” I turned my head and looked at it. There was a boy who was shy and laughed. I thought he was joking, so I kept on drawing the time to draw the girl I had chosen. As a result, he continued, “draw me.”


So I gave up the beauty of my eyes and turned around and said, “well, I draw you.”
Christmas is coming. He is wearing a red christmas hat. Boy is very lively, we have never met, in order to avoid tension, he asked me handsome. I said: “you are very handsome, with big eyes and bushy eyes.”
He was very happy, and immediately said to his girlfriend, “look, I said I’m pretty handsome.” His girlfriend was happy to laugh.

The people next to the painting were quiet and I felt that I was on the journey. Although we are full of people around us, we communicate in the cafe. I arrived at the station, and I was a little bit away from the integrity of the picture, plus only one HB pencil. In order not to be so sorry, I suggested that they go to the platform for a few minutes.


So we have a more relaxed communication environment. His understanding of his girlfriend comes from his initiative. Like tonight, he wanted me to paint him, and he said it. An active person obviously makes life lovely. I say that positive and optimistic people look good. He said he was blind and optimistic. I say some people are blind and pessimistic.

Like whom, straight forward to tell TA. not to let the other party guess, do not let themselves regret.

I told my colleagues today that I now, I see the people who appreciate it, I will go straight forward to know each other. My colleagues also advised me to say, you don’t talk to strangers. I said, the people I met were all very good.

This is the scene of the time, I look like the standard backpack method for Beijing subway. I am not short, you must believe me, mainly his girlfriend is very high.




The boy, no doubt a very romantic person. As we were in this scene, he said happily like a child, “my sweetheart is so cute.”

So he called the passersby and asked the gang to take pictures. I said, “you can get your girlfriend to help.”

He was afraid of the pedestrians walk away, quickly put the cell phone to the other, and explained to me, “just this scene, I feel very meaningful.”



A man who puts you in his life scene at a time, love you without doubt and no doubt. Have seen a lot of people in the subway Qingqingwowo, tonight the boys, these small details told me he was her moment in his heart.

The winter of Beijing has been super invincible and cold, and you see my down jacket. But the couple tonight makes me feel warm.

This should be the most meaningful meeting of the drawing related subway this year. Because I met an active person. Proactive people, although most of the cases are the one to pay, but they choose what they want. Passive people may be much more painful, but sometimes the world always feels that the world is always giving them things that they don’t like so much.




I often see a lot of people on Airbnb’s travels, a new country, a new group of friends, and a different style of food. Many people say they are admired. I was thinking, why can’t our daily life be so interesting? Because we feel that every day is very ordinary, there is nothing to be surprised.

The surprises in life are sometimes created. For example, this boy tonight, he has created a surprise tonight. Life needs to be full of surprises, and you are the maker of this surprise. What is wrong, what is wrong? Blind optimism will give you unexpected surprises.

Life is a process, and every good fragment is combined to make a beautiful scene.

《Lily的画和生活》第141篇推文 因喜欢而坚持~
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