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《水浒全传儿童版》连环画 ~ 2 ~ 小人书/漫画版

61 薛霸举起水火棍对林冲说:“我们不想结果你是陆虞候传高太尉钧旨要打死你!”说着水火棍朝林冲脑袋打下来

Xue Ba raised the water and fire stick and said to Lin Chong, “We don’t want to see the result that you are Lu Yu who sent the order of Gao Taijun to kill you!” Then the water and fire stick hit Lin Chong in the head


A roar of Lu Zhishen’s Buddhist staff knocked the water and fire stick away. When he was about to fight Dong Chao, Xue Ba, Lin Chong hurriedly said, “Elder martial brother, don’t start at the command of Captain Gao.”


Lu Zhishen escorted him all the way back to Beijing until near Cangzhou. The three of Lin Chong entered a small shop and went to see Chai Jinzhuang. They said that Chai Daguan wanted to support those who were in exile.


Lin Chong went to see Chai Jin, and they talked with each other.


Before leaving, Chai Jin handed two letters to Lin Chong, saying that he was very close to Cangzhou Dayin and others. If he gave them the letter, they would be taken care of.


When Lin Chong arrived at the Cangzhou prison, he handed the letter to Chai Pao. When Chai Pao taught him to manage the camp, he said he was ill on the way.


The next day, Lin Chong told the audience that he was going to hit the 100-million-dollar baton. Lin Chong said as he had said before, so he didn’t have to fight.


Lin Chong was assigned to the Heavenly King Hall because of the face of firewood. He only sweeps the floor and burns incense every day. In winter, Guan Ying asked him to manage the army’s forage yard.


69 On this day, the weather outside was very cold. Lin Chong was drinking in the broken temple to drive away the cold. Suddenly, the fire outside the door burst into the sky, and the grassland caught fire.


Lu Qian said that thanks to the help of Guan Ying and you, the two of you have become senior officials. “Cha Diao said,” The villain has set fire everywhere in the grassland and will not burn Lin Chong to death. ”

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