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《水浒全传儿童版》连环画 ~ 2 ~ 小人书/漫画版


Lin Chong opened the door in a rage and stabbed Zappo to death, knocking over Lu Qian and stabbing him in the chest. Seeing that the fire in the forage yard was getting bigger, Lin Chong thought about it and wanted to throw firewood in.


72 Cangzhou City posted a list of people who wanted to catch Lin Chong. The government wanted to catch Lin Chong.


Although Lin Chong lived in Chai Jin’s mansion, he said he wanted to leave for fear of involving Chai Jin. Chai Jin asked him to take refuge in Liangshanpo, Shandong Province, where he had many friends.

74林冲就在墙上写下:“仗义是林冲,为人最朴忠。江湖驰誉望,京国显英雄…… 低兰是标政,为 人最外忠江酮驰

Lin Chong wrote on the wall: “Lin Chong is the most loyal and loyal person. He is famous in the Jianghu and the hero of the country in Beijing… Low Lan is the standard government and the most loyal to Jiang Ketchi

75 突然一个汉子进来:“大胆林冲还敢到这里。”原来是开店的朱贵,是梁山泊耳目,次日准备将林冲送到梁山泊。

Suddenly a man came in and said, “Dare Lin Chong dare to come here.” It turned out that Zhu Gui, who opened the store, was Liang Shanbo’s eyes and ears. The next day, Lin Chong was ready to be sent to Liang Shanbo.


After going to Liangshanbo and entering the Righteous Gathering Hall, I met Wang Lun, a white-clothed scholar, and thought, “Lin Chong is the coach of the Forbidden Army, and has excellent martial arts skills. What should I do if I occupy my position in the future?

77 于是王伦设宴款待,席间,取来五十两银子,对林冲说:“本寨太小,怕误了教头前程,请去别寨安身。

So Wang Lun gave a banquet. During the banquet, he took 50 liang of silver and said to Lin Chong, “This village is too small to miss the coach’s future. Please go to another village to settle down.


Lin Chong said, “A villain who has come thousands of miles will repay him with death.” Du Qian and Song Wandu advised Wang Lun to take in Lin Chong and Wang Lun and said, “Since you are sincere, kill someone first!”


79 Lin Chong thought it was not difficult. Wang Lun said, “You are limited to kill someone in three days. Otherwise, please leave.”


When Lin arrived in the woods, he didn’t see anyone for two days. On the third day, he saw a man with a piece of green mark on his face. The two fought each other for more than thirty rounds

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